Dental Bridges

Hey Everyone!! It’s Dr. Jennifer here to talk about replacing teeth.  There are many options to replace teeth that have been lost, but today I want to discuss a dental bridge! 
A dental Bridge is defined in the dental world as a non-removable restoration that replaces missing teeth that have been lost.  It is a series of crowns fused together to replace the space between remaining teeth.

The images found below really help understand that definition.  Like they say, a picture is worth a thousand words.   If photos aren’t enough, watch this video!

Like a crown, a dental Bridge is completed in two appointments.  At the first visit, the teeth adjacent to the missing space are prepared for crowns.  Most of the time this is one tooth on each side of the space, but occasionally, like in this example, due to the number of missing teeth, a second tooth on each side is used to added stability.   After the teeth are prepped, a digital impression of the teeth are taken to be sent to our dental lab.  A temporary is made for you to wear until your final restoration is completed.  The lab fabricates the bridge on a model and returns it to our office.  At your second visit, the temporary is removed easily, and the bridge is cemented permanently in place.

Initial preparations for crowns

Bridge Completed by Lab on Model

Bridge Following Cementation

Completed Treatment


Stay tuned for more blogs!

xoxo Dr. Jennifer