Why Invisalign?

Why Invisalign?

You can achieve a beautiful smile without the discomfort of metal braces. Invisalign is an effective alternative to metal braces that incorporates see-through orthodontic trays. These sleek, comfortable aligners are custom-made to fit your teeth perfectly.

Dr. Wells will create a series of clear Invisalign aligners based on your optimal smile. Each set of aligners is designed to move your teeth closer to reach your end goal and create a straight and beautiful grin.


Sophisticated | Why should anyone have to know you are wearing braces? You can maintain a professional look with these undetectable orthodontics.
Removable | Patients love that they can remove Invisalign to eat and to clean their teeth. Invisalign allows you to eat all of your favorite foods without damaging your braces. You can also brush and floss your teeth without tricky tools or techniques.
Comfortable | Brackets and wires can cut or irritate the mouth. The plastic trays of Invisalign are a smoother way to wear braces.


  • Many patients see straight teeth in as little as 5-10 months!
  • Invisalign can correct overbite, underbite, crossbite, crowding, spaces, or general crookedness
  • Invisalign is convenient for patients of any age
  • Your Invisalign braces are removable for family photos or big social occasions
  • These aligners can quickly give you the smile you’ve always wanted!

You can come in for your initial consultation with Dr. Wells to determine whether or not Invisalign treatment is right for you. If you are a good candidate for Invisalign, we will take digital impressions of your teeth and use them to design your Invisalign trays.

Once you are satisfied with your treatment goals, we will provide you with your aligners and instructions. You can switch out your aligners for the next set in the series about every week.


Interested in Invisalign? Come to our Shine & Align event June 13th from 5-9! 

If you RSVP for the event you will receive $750 off and a swag bag. Call today to RSVP 704-933-2115.

Night of special – $600 of!f or 20% off teeth whitening.

  • Check out our previous blog for more information!